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Sleeping Beauty
Large Cast School Musical for Kids to Perform

Sound Cues

Script Sample

Running Time: About 45 minutes
Flexible Cast of About 40
(40 roles listed below - 10 Female, 8 Male, 22 F/M

Easily adapted for larger or smaller cast.
Kids having fun in cast of Sleeping Beauty
Gruesome Ghouls - Lighthouse Drama Players, Appomattox VA

GOLD  (18 lines, m/f)
SILVER  (18 lines, m/f)
SAPPHIRE  (17 lines, m/f)
DIAMOND  (18 lines, m/f)
RUBY  (18 lines, m/f)
EMERALD  (17 lines, m/f)

*LILAC (Head Good Fairy) (Total 46 lines, f)
LILAC #1 (19 lines)
LILAC #2 (27 lines, enter page 39)

DAISY  (27 lines, f)
IRIS  (28 lines, f)
GARDENIA  (26 lines, f)

*MORGANA (Bad Fairy)  (Total 77 lines, m/f)
MORGANA #1 (9 lines)
MORGANA #2 (9 lines, enter page 16)
MORGANA #3 (12 lines, enter page 21)
MORGANA #4 (18 lines, enter page 32)
MORGANA #5 (29 lines, enter page 39)

SQUIRE  (13 lines, m/f)




MARQUIS LOUIS  (9 lines, m)

*KING ALFRED  (Total 38 lines, m)
KING ALFRED #1 (20 lines)
KING ALFRED #2 (19 lines, song, enter page 29)

QUEEN BEATRICE  (18 lines, f)

KING EDWARD  (14 lines, m)

YOUNG FERDINAND  (3 lines, m)

GARISH  (28 lines, m/f)
GRUMBLE  (28 lines, m/f)
GUNTER  (28 lines, m/f)
GUS  (25 lines, m/f)

*AURORA (Princess)  (Total 49 lines, f)
AURORA #1 (31 lines, song)
AURORA #2 (18 lines, enter page 33)

BIPPITY (Rabbit)  (16 lines, m/f)
OZZY (Owl)  (10 lines, m/f)
PASQUALE (Squirrel)  (9 lines, m/f)
CHICKADEE (Bird)  (10 lines, m/f)
ROBIN (Bird)  (8 lines, m/f)
DANDY (Deer)  (10 lines, m/f)

*PRINCE FERDINAND  (Total 34 lines, m)
PRINCE FERDINAND #1 (16 lines)
PRINCE FERDINAND #2 (18 lines, enter page 37)

Every Child Has A Fun Part to Play!
Sleeping Beauty!  Fun, Easy Musical for Kids! Children's Musical - Sleeping Beauty!
"Hear Ye!  Hear Ye!  Princess Aurora has been born!"
Solano Youth Theatre, CA - Children's Theatre Company, ON

*AURORA is broken into 2 parts because you will probably have more than one girl who'd like to be the Princess.  These parts may be combined for a smaller cast.

*LILAC, MORGANA, KING ALFRED, PRINCE FERDINAND are fairly large roles that can be divided into two parts, as suggested, if necessary.  However, if you want to retain larger roles for particularly advanced players you may choose to have these played by just one actor.

Easy to Adapt to Your School's Needs
Gruesome Ghouls Forest Animals in Sleeping Beauty Play
Greenbrier Valley Youth Theatre, WV -  Gaslight Theatre, Enid OK 

"Your scripts are so great, simple to use and adapt, fun for the kids and the audiences, and perfectly geared to use with a young cast. The audience loved our production!"
Greg Tutt, Buford Elementary School, Lennox, CA

The School Play Package gives you rights to adapt the script, add characters, lines, scenes and songs!  You also have the rights to make a DVD/Video of your special performance!


Written especially for young people to perform.
While you may find large cast plays from other publishers, most of those were originally written for adults or professional actors to perform. They often contain difficult dialogue, unfamiliar or complex language, and speeches too long for young children to memorize. They may even contain jokes, innuendos and subject matter that may not be appropriate for children.

Easy to understand and memorize.
Dialogue is simple, fresh, quick and humorous, keeping the action flowing without stops and starts between scenes. This keeps young people and young audiences engaged throughout the performance - no awkward pauses, no dead-time, no wiggles!

Everyone participates!
All children are involved throughout the performance. This builds confidence, promotes team spirit and eliminates rehearsal rowdiness. The audience is often asked to join in the fun, and action often spills into the aisles! All of our SCHOOL PLAYS give suggestions on how to divide up large parts (such as Dorothy in Wizard of Oz) among several performers so that no one child is the "star".

Familiar stories with upbeat endings.
The story line stays as close as possible to the familiar story the kids already know.  While some authors feel the need to "improve" the story, our SCHOOL PLAYS stay as close to the familiar narrative as possible, making it easier for children - and your audience - to understand.

Feel free to edit!  Go ahead and tape it!
Most publishers insist that no changes may be made to their scripts.  We know that your goal is to engage every child in the most meaningful way and that your needs are unique.  Cut, eliminate, re-assign lines, or add as much as you like!  Also, there are no restrictions on video tapes.  Parents want a tape or DVD to remember their child's big moment.   Go ahead and tape away!


In the past few years we've seen a tremendous increase of confidence in the teachers we hear from.  Most are finding it easier to let the process flow and worry less about the final product.  I firmly believe that the experience will be best for all when you keep a few things in mind:

Free yourself from worry about whether or not it's "good".  No one is paying big ticket prices; no one expects a Broadway success.  The key to making this project meaningful is to put the emphasis on process; realize that rehearsal and practice are as much a part of the experience as the actual performance.  Encourage fun and you will free the children from embarrassment and stress.  If the kids can't learn the lines let them carry a script or use their own words to convey the character's message.  If they seem to wander the stage, let them explore where they want to go - they might surprise you with a wonderful idea.  In every aspect of the process give them the wings to create and think.  Give them a comfortable, supportive place to go and their confidence and self-expression will soar!

Above all else, make sure you are having fun.  If you've never directed a play before, don't worry.  It's all just pretend -- you can't do it wrong!  The quality of your experience is every bit as important as that of the children.  You need the joy of self-expression too, that doesn't go away when we grow up.  So give yourself a break.  And when all else fails, laugh!

Thank you so much for choosing Sleeping Beauty.  I hope you and your young friends have as much fun performing this play as I did writing it.


"Encourage fun and you will free the children from stress."
Sleeping Beauty Rehearsals Rehearsals are fun Enjoy yourself with Sleeping Beauty
Enjoy rehearsals! - Lighthouse Drama Players, Appomattox VA

Cues, sound effects, background music (traditional-classical)

The CD Soundtrack contains special sound effects and background music (from Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty ballet) that may be used to greatly enhance the performance. It also contains simple Tchaikovsky melodies to accompany the performers as they sing (song cues shown below in red). It does not contain songs from the popular animated film or Broadway musical. Cues have 10 seconds of silence at the end - times shown below include silence.
[ Click on [sample] to hear a short sample of the indicated cues ]

   1. OPENING, MORGANA'S THEME  (1:26) [sample]

 2. GREAT BREEZE  (0:39)

 3. INTRO MUSIC, STORM  (0:48)

 4. FANFARE  (0:31) [sample]

 5. THIS SPECIAL DAY [short]  (0:31) [sample]

 6. FANFARE  (0:31)


 8. THIS SPECIAL DAY [long]  (1:19) [sample]

 9. GOOD FAIRIES ENTRANCE  (0:56) [sample]

 10. MORGANA'S THEME  (0:33)


 12. TIME PASSES, MORGANA'S THEME  (0:42) [sample]


 14. IN MY DREAMS  (0:55) [sample]


 16. I'M A KING AND YOU'RE A KING  (0:56) [sample]


 18. MORGANA'S THEME  (0:33)

 19. POIGNANT MUSIC  (0:39) [sample]

 20. MORNING SOUNDS  (0:47) [sample]

 21. MORGANA'S BATTLE [long thundering] (6:57)

 22. MORGANA'S DEMISE  (0:52) [sample]

 23. THE MAGICAL KISS  (0:56) [sample]

 24. FANFARE  (0:31)

 25. THIS SPECIAL DAY  (0:47) [sample]

 26. GOOD FAIRIES EXIT  (0:42)

 27. CURTAIN CALL [In My Dreams]  (3:38) [sample]

Note: Some teachers choose familiar songs, obtain sheet music and insert these songs into the play.  We recognize that each school has a wide variety of educational needs to fulfill and we invite you to be creative in your use of our scripts; including changes or additions that are appropriate for your students. As author/publisher of our own creative works, we do ask that you obtain proper copyright permission for any additions you might make - that responsibility is up to you.

Music & Sound Resources Available on the Internet
( Sheet Music, Song Books, CDs, DVDs, Sing-along, Karaoke, Sound Effects )

Internet Music Resources: Karaoke CDs & Sheet Music
Music Resources on the Web! Songs and Music on the Web! Internet Resources for Sound and Music! Sheet Music on the Web! Internet Reources for Sheet Music!
Click to search Internet for karaoke cds or sheet music

Every Child Has a Special Moment
Sleeping Beauty Kids Production Duchess of Dillydally Sleeping Beauty!  Great Play for Young Kids to Perform!
Greenbrier Valley, WV - Forest Animals, Magnolia Arts, AR


The Bad Fairy Morgana casts her evil spell on Princess Aurora.
(Script pages 16-19)

QUEEN BEATRICE:  Morgana, what are you doing here?

MORGANA:  Didn’t expect to see me here, did you, Queenie?

QUEEN BEATRICE:  Why no, I... I didn’t...

MORGANA:  Didn’t invite me!

QUEEN BEATRICE:  Why, it was a mistake, I’m sure...

IRIS:  You know why you weren’t invited, Morgana.

MORGANA:  But I have a gift!  Don’t you want my gift, Queenie?  Hmm?

QUEEN BEATRICE:  I... I suppose...

GOOD FAIRIES:  No, your ladyship!

QUEEN BEATRICE:  But if it’s a gift I can’t refuse.

MORGANA:  That dear child you have shall grow into a lovely woman just as the good Fairies have foretold.  Aurora shall be beautiful, courageous and she shall sing like a bird! 

            (ALL breathe sigh of relief.)

But on her sixteenth birthday she shall prick her finger upon a spindle...

ALL:  No!

MORGANA:  And die!

(ALL gasp in horror!)

IRIS:  Morgana, this is too awful, even for you!

MORGANA:  (Gesturing to the GHOULS.) But my friends seem to like it.

            (GHOULS snicker happily.)

GRUESOME GHOULS:   Long live Morgana!

MORGANA:  In my kingdom this is just the kind of thing that makes everyone happy. 

GRUESOME GHOULS:  Hip, hip, hooray!  Hip, hip...

KING ALFRED:   Enough!  Out of here!  Now!  You and your gruesome ghouls, leave my sight!  And never show your faces here again!

MORGANA:  Oh, now you’ve hurt my feelings.  (Suddenly cheerful.)  Oh, well, I’ll get over it.  Toot-a-loo, Lilac.  Farewell, all you good people!  Enjoy your... goodness!  Ha!  Ha!  Ha!

(GRUESOME GHOULS close in around MORGANA and spirit her away as she laughs.)

GRUESOME GHOULS:  Long live Morgana!  Long live Morgana!

            (MORGANA and GHOULS exit.)

QUEEN BEATRICE:  Oh dear, whatever shall we do?

KING ALFRED:  Lilac!  Can you undo this evil?

LILAC:  Sadly, King, I cannot.  Although she is a bad fairy, Morgana has tremendous powers.  But...


LILAC:  I have one gift yet to give.  Yet it is a difficult task.  I shall need the help of everyone here.  If you love Aurora look deep within your hearts...  (She touches a fist to her heart.)  Find the beauty and strength there... (She circles the fist around her chest.)  Gather it into your hand and blow it toward our dear girl.  Like this.

 (LILAC opens hand and blows toward the baby.  QUEEN BEATRICE lifts
 child up a little.)

            (To audience.)  Now you try.

(Audience blows. SOUND CUE #11: Magical sound, pause, magical sound.  QUEEN BEATRICE lifts baby more.)

Once again.  (During pause in sound cue.)

(Audience blows again.  QUEEN BEATRICE lifts baby high and twirls her around.  SOUND CUE ENDS.)

Very good, thank you.

QUEEN BEATRICE:  (To audience.)  Thank you, my loyal subjects.

(Loyal subjects and audience applaud.  QUEEN BEATRICE brings the baby to the front rows for all to see her face.)

LILAC:  You see it is only goodness and that can battle the forces of evil.  Now, my good King and Queen.  I grant this wish.   If Aurora pricks her finger, she will not die.  

QUEEN BEATRICE:  Oh, thank heavens!

LILAC:  But only sleep as if in a dream.

QUEEN BEATRICE:  For how long?

LILAC:  Until she is awakened by true love’s kiss.

Note: This is a sample from the actual script.  To review the entire play, order the PERUSAL SCRIPT (online instant download). Or to save 20% on the full production kit and royalty for one performance, order the SCHOOL PLAY PACKAGE (below) and start rehearsals today!

Cast List

Sound Cues

Script Sample


Teacher Reviews



