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Ideas & suggestions for producing a creative, fun school play
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This page (Page #7) has creative ideas for directing a fun, successful play or musical.  Check out these examples used in ArtReach popular titles: Princess and the Pea, The Sword in the Stone, A Thousand Cranes, A Christmas Wizard of Oz.  Don’t forget, a Teachers Guide will come with your School Play Package and contain many other ideas and inspirations!

Director Shares Thoughts Before & After: ArtReach's Princess and the Pea

In an exciting development for theater enthusiasts, The GCS Theater Department has announced that they are beginning rehearsals for their upcoming production, ArtReach's The Princess and the Pea by Kathryn Schultz Miller. The show, set to take place in the South Campus gymnasium, promises to showcase talented students and dedicated staff.

"The show showcases talented students and dedicated staff."
Princess and the Pea Play for kids ArtReach's Play for Kids to Perform Students in Middle School
James A. Garfield Middle School (OH) - ArtReach's The Princess and the Pea

The play, which has been chosen for its wit and appeal to younger audiences, will feature a cast of students from 6th through 12th grade. The school's drama department has been hard at work preparing all aspects of a play, from sets to costumes to character development.

Director Aleta Jones, a member of the school's staff with several years of experience in theater, expressed her excitement about starting rehearsals. "We have an incredibly talented group of students dedicated to bringing this production to life," she said. "I am confident that this will be a showcase of their hard work and talent."

During rehearsals, the cast will work on honing their skills in preparation for the play. During the next few weeks, they will spend countless hours studying the script, practicing their lines, and working with the director to perfect their performances.

In addition to the cast, the crew is equally dedicated to making this production a success. From the lighting technicians to the stagehands, everyone is working tirelessly to ensure their performance is flawless.

As the rehearsals progress, the excitement among the cast and crew is palpable. The production promises to be a must-see for anyone interested in the arts, and the school is eagerly anticipating opening night.  Tickets for the production will be available to the public on March 19th and can be purchased at

"A cast of students from 6th through 12th grade."
Middle Schoolers love Princess and the Pea Fairy Tale Play for Large Cast of Kids
James A. Garfield Middle School (OH) - ArtReach's The Princess and the Pea

Director's Note, Dear Audience,

I am thrilled to be directing this production of ArtReach's "The Princess and the Pea" for our GCS community. This adaptation is a fun take on the classic fairy tale, and I am confident that we have brought it to life with passion, creativity, and a lot of fun.

Our talented cast and crew have worked tirelessly to bring this story to you. They have put in countless hours of rehearsal, and their dedication and commitment to their craft is genuinely inspiring. I have been blown away by their talent, creativity, and enthusiasm, and I am so proud of everything they have accomplished.

As you watch this play, I hope it will be an unforgettable experience, and I hope you will feel the same joy and pride that I do when I see these students shine on stage.

Thank you for joining us and enjoy the show!

"This adaptation is a fun take on the classic fairy tale."
High School Kids Perform Princess and the Pea
James A. Garfield Middle School (OH) - ArtReach's The Princess and the Pea

Historical Note:  "The Princess and the Pea" is a popular fairy tale that originated in Denmark in the mid-19th century. It was written by Hans Christian Andersen and first published in 1835. Andersen's tale became popular throughout Europe and eventually worldwide, inspiring numerous adaptations in literature, theater, and film. The story's enduring appeal lies in its themes of true love, perseverance, and the power of a seemingly insignificant event to have a profound impact. "The Princess and the Pea" remains a beloved classic that continues to captivate audiences of all ages.

Christian School logo Large Cast Play Poster Young Performers Princess and the Pea Garfield School logo
Gilead Christian School (OH) & James A. Garfield Middle School (OH)

From The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis' Study Guide for ArtReach's Sword in the Stone

What's the Story?

There is magic all around. At least, that's what the magician Merlin believes, even though his country is in the midst of a terrible war. As the play begins, Merlin devises a way to save his beloved England, that is, as long as everything goes according to his plan for a baby named Arthur.

Several years later, Arthur is a young man, helping his older brother Kai prepare to become a knight by practicing his swordsmanship. Even though Arthur is younger than Kai, he is also bigger and better at just about everything. Kai's not so fond of getting beat up on by his younger brother, so he decides to throw in the towel for the day and head off for swim and then a nap. Arthur, however, has other plans. He wants to keep practicing.

"Magic is in - the earth, wind, water and fire."
Young Arthur learns Arthur battles the dragon
Mount Hood Community College, Gersham OR - ArtReach's Sword in the Stone

As Arthur practices, Merlin appears and tells Arthur that he is a magician. Arthur wants to see some tricks, but Merlin insists that magic isn't quite like he might have imagined. Magic doesn't involve pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but instead is found in everything around us-the earth, wind, water and fire. Arthur is skeptical, but Merlin proves his point in his very first lesson. The young squire will first learn about the wind, as Merlin turns them both into birds and they take to the sky.

As they fly, Arthur is amazed to see the kingdom from so high above. They fly over the forest and his father's land, and then they fly over what appears to be a large group of men. Arthur thinks it looks beautiful, but as they get closer, he realizes that it is a war. Merlin explains that, like many of nature's creatures, men believe that the strongest should rule. However, the strongest are not always the best rulers.

For Merlin's next lesson, the two become fish in a moat outside Arthur's family castle. As Merlin is teaching Arthur how to swim and how to avoid the moat's biggest predator, the pike named Spike, they realize that Arthur's brother Kai has accidentally been transformed as well. The fishy Kai doesn't want to listen and swims too close to danger. Merlin takes the opportunity to teach another lesson, and he leaves the young squire to find a way out of the situation. Arthur uses cunning and bravery to save himself and his brother from Spike, learning that it isn't just strength that a ruler needs, but also intellect.

"Will he be able to get the sword in time?"
Arthur saves brother Kai Merlin in Camelot
Mount Hood Community College, Gersham OR - ArtReach's Sword in the Stone

After their adventure, the two boys return home and find a stranger, the princess Guenever. She has arrived because her father has arranged for her to marry Kai, but that is certainly not what she wants to do. Arthur tries to comfort the young lady, and in doing so, seems to gain a new admirer. Merlin appears with yet another lesson, this time about fire. He teaches Arthur that fire isn't only found in the breath of dragons, but also in the heart of a man in love.

Kai soon arrives with some bad news-he has been called to battle. Arthur must fulfill his duty as Kai's squire and assist his brother in preparing to depart. He helps Kai get into his armor and gather his supplies, but wait-Kai's sword is missing! Desperate to find his brother a sword before he leaves, Arthur comes upon a sword lodged in a stone.  Will he be able to get the sword in time?

Words to the Wise

A villain has evil plots and motives and is the bad guy of a story. Merlin provides Arthur with Excalibur, a legendary sword that only a king can carry. When Arthur pretends to be a knight, he celebrates great triumphs, or great victories and achievements.

"Valor is great courage in the face of danger."
Merlin the Magician Creative Play script for kids
Mount Hood Community College, Gersham OR - ArtReach's Sword in the Stone

Kai needs to learn to joust, a sport in which men attempt to knock each other off their horses using long wooden weapons called lances. Someday Kai will become a knight, a job for men who serve the king as brave soldiers.   Arthur believes his destiny is to become a squire, an attendant or helper to a knight. You might shout "Confound it!" if something didn't go your way, sort of like "Darn it!"

In Arthur's time, a hermit was a person who lived all alone, totally separated from everyone else. Chivalry is a knight's code of conduct and includes qualities like honor, courage, courtesy and readiness to help those in need.   Valor is great courage in the face of danger. A knight is gallant if he shows chivalry, and is brave, grand and heroic.

Something that is majestic shows great beauty and dignity. If something occurs miraculously, then it happened almost by magic as if supernatural powers are involved. Virtues are morally good and desirable qualities.   To proffer is another way to say to offer something. Kai thinks turning into a fish is absurd, or a crazy, wild and unreasonable thing to do. If something is ghastly, it is awful, frightening and terrible.

Sir Ector's castle has a moat around it, or a large ditch filled with water that is a form of protection for the people inside the castle. Spike is a pike, which is a kind of fish with a pointed snout and large teeth.  In Arthur and Guenever's time, a dowry was money or gifts that were given to a man from his bride's father.  It's not very nice to call someone an imbecile, which is like calling them dumb or stupid.

CSB and SJU students to present A Thousand Cranes theater production
Saint John's University & College of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph MN

A Thousand Cranes, a play by Kathryn Schultz Miller, opens at the Colman Theater, Benedicta Arts Center of the College of Saint Benedict.

A Thousand Cranes is based on the true story of Sadako Sasaki (played by CSB sophomore Mai Yia Thao), who was 2 years old when the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan,  Aug. 6, 1945 (she lived one mile from ground zero). When she was 12, Sadako developed leukemia from after effects of the bomb's radiation.

"Sadako lives on through the play, A Thousand Cranes."
Sadako in A Thousand Cranes Sadako's Grandmother visits her in hospital
ArtReach's A Thousand Cranes - Silver Stage Players, Elko NV

Inspired by an old belief, Sadako tried to fold a thousand origami paper cranes; it was said that if one was able to do this, they would recover their health. In real life - and in the play - Sadako was unable to finish all of the cranes and dies. She is "taken" by the spirit of her grandmother (played by CSB first-year student Chee Xiong), whose earthly life had ended when the bomb fell, to join her ancestors.

Sadako lives on through the play, which was created by Miller in 1988. She is also memorialized in statues at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, and the Seattle Peace Park.

The cast includes 11 actors from the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University who were chosen during the first week of school. The play is directed by Kaarin Johnston, professor of theater at CSB and SJU.

"As part of the play, students are creating 1,000 paper cranes."
Masks represent ancestors Staging of A Thousand Cranes
ArtReach's A Thousand Cranes - Silver Stage Players, Elko NV

Tickets for A Thousand Cranes are $8 for adults; $4 for students (ages 5 and up); and $4 for faculty, staff and OSB members. Seating is limited, so interested persons are encouraged to call in advance and order tickets.

The production is also being performed without scenery Oct. 3 at Kennedy Community School, St. Joseph. Although that performance is closed to the public, the CSB and SJU students are giving up part of their "long weekend" holiday break to perform the show for the students.

As part of the play, students are creating 1,000 paper cranes. Sarah Howes, a senior at CSB and the play's dramaturg (researcher), is finding students and others to learn origami folding.

Lights, and cameras, and action. Oh, my!  ArtReach's A Christmas Wizard of Oz
Student Director Kaleb Gibbs shares his experience
Rebecca Fiely, Arts and Entertainment Editor, Wakefield NC

Take a step into the World of Oz as up and coming student director Kaleb Gibbs guides middle schoolers along the yellow brick road to a sparkling future in theatre. Gibbs, senior, originally started out assisting and tutoring the middle schoolers at Wakefield Middle School. One thing led to another and he ended up presiding over their Christmas play with the help of his fellow classmates.

"Everyone gained a bright new sense of courage."
A Christmas Wizard of Oz Playscript  Large Cast Christmas Musical
ArtReach's A Christmas Wizard of Oz, Shawnee Playhouse, Shawnee on Delaware PA

The journey was not easy, and just as Dorothy had experienced in Oz, you're bound to stumble upon some flying monkeys on your way home.

"It can be really stressful at times when things go wrong, but the pros outweigh the stress so much," said Gibbs.

If it wasn't for the help and guidance from those around him, Gibbs may have fallen claim to the wicked turmoil of stress.  

"I'd like to thank all the high schoolers who came down and helped me with the show," said Gibbs. "I genuinely couldn't have done it without them. I'd also like to thank Mr.Orsett for his advice and help."

 "Performing just gives you the best feeling in the world."
Cast of ArtReach Christmas Musical for Kids Storyteller in Christmas Wizard of Oz
ArtReach's A Christmas Wizard of Oz - Colo-Nesco School, Colo IA

With assistance, magical slippers were not needed as the pieces of the production fell into place. The novice actors demonstrated maturity and skill as they conformed to the festive World of Oz.

"There were times when I forgot that I was working with younger people. [The middle schoolers] were extremely professional and incredibly talented," said Gibbs.

Even if no one went home with ruby red slippers or a shiney new heart, everyone involved gained a bright new sense of courage. Gibbs especially felt the reward of molding the actors and actresses of tomorrow.

"An extremely rewarding and fun experience."
Snowmen in Christmas Musical Wizard of Oz Large Cast Christmas Play for Kids to Perform
ArtReach's A Christmas Wizard of Oz - Colo-Nesco School, Colo IA

"The looks on the actors faces when they come backstage after performing just gives you the best feeling in the world, because you're responsible for helping them get to that feeling," said Gibbs.

Dodging falling houses and winged beasts, along with the help of his friends and mentors, Gibbs embraces his destiny in the province of leadership and looks to the future with a shimmering outlook (and possibly a quick click of the heels.)

"It's an extremely rewarding and fun experience," said Gibbs "I would like to direct in the future."

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