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I Think I Can
Small Cast (Touring) Musical for Theatres, Schools

I'm President of the World!

Small Cast Plays for Children - I Think I Can

I Think I Can

Cast: 3-4 (2M, 1-2F), expandable, adults
Time: about 45 minutes
Audience: primary-elementary, families

Becky Watkins has a acute case of "I-Don't-Think-I-Can-Do-It-Itis". Luckily, Becky's sophisticated house cat and personal advisor, Professor, recognizes her symptoms and leads her and your audience through a magical adventure!


Small Cast Plays for Children - I Think I Can

I Think I Can

Cast: 3-4 (2M, 1-2F), expandable, adults
Time: about 45 minutes
Audience: primary-elementary, families

Becky Watkins has a acute case of "I-Don't-Think-I-Can-Do-It-Itis". Luckily, Becky's sophisticated house cat and personal advisor, Professor, recognizes her symptoms and leads her and your audience through a magical adventure!

Fun, Easy Musical for Pre-School & Up!
Small Cast Plays for Children - I Think I Can Small Cast Plays for Children - I Think I Can Small Cast Plays for Children - I Think I Can
I Think I Can - Musical for Preschool & Primary Audiences - ArtReach Touring Theatre, OH

"The parents were so enthused by the play because of the good script and dialogue.  I Think I Can is a way we can teach children how to gain confidence, respect and self-worth."
Marcia Robison, West Las Vegas Arts Center

I Think I Can: "Be Brave, Enthusiastic, Caring, Kind"
I Think I Can Play for Kids! Children's Musical Small Cast Plays for Children - I Think I Can
Library Performance, Backlot Players, Jackson GA -- St. Lawrence University, Canton NY

Becky Watkins has a acute case of "I-Don't-Think-I-Can-Do-It-Itis". Luckily, Becky's sophisticated house cat and personal advisor, Professor, recognizes her symptoms and leads her and your audience through a magical adventure!

"Easy, Toe-Tappin' Songs!"
I Think I Can - Small Cast Musical Audience Participation Play
 Merry-Go-Round Playhouse, Auburn NY

"After two hilarious speeches by her classmates Becky loses her fear of speaking as their promises become more and more extravagant. 'All bullies will be expelled from Earth and asked to move to Saturn!  I have to do things the way I know how to do them!' Becky says."
Jackson Progress Argus News, Jackson, GA

Audience Participation - Inspiring Message
 I Think I Can Musical for Children Play for Kids Fun Easy Songs for Kids
Library Performance, Backlot Players, Jackson GA

Becky becomes a Fire Chief, a Lion Tamer and finally President of the World! Created for the youngest children
 -- preschool and primary grades -- audiences will have a terrific time, joining in with great audience participation and songs!

Small Musical, Small Cast for Outdoor Performances
Small Musical for Touring Children's Musical for Touring
Cedar Park Theatre Company, York PA

I Think I Can is perfect for touring to kids K-3 Primary Grades.
It's great to present a fun musical that is just right for the youngest children!

Small Cast Touring Children's Plays - I Think I Can Plays for Kids - I Think I Can Inspiring Musical for Children
ArtReach Touring Theatre OH -- Backlot Players, Jackson GA

"Rarely can children of the pre-school level find such humor and enjoyment from a play!"
East End Child Development, Cincinnati, OH

 Merry-Go-Round Playhouse
Classroom Activities

"An abundance of fun through audience participation and songs! This play’s inspiring message is “you can do anything you put your mind to.”
Take the Stage Players, The Dallas Post

Fun, Easy Songs: “You Can be an Astronaut” “What Makes A Hippopotamus Smile,” “If I’m Elected” “I Think I Can”


Teacher Reviews



