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A Thousand Cranes
Large Cast School Play for Kids to Perform
FULL DOWNLOAD - Entire School Play Package with Audio Files
Small Cast (Touring) Version | Medium Cast Version

"A Tremendously Moving Piece..."

A Thousand Cranes play for kids to perform!

A Thousand Cranes

Very flexible large cast size.  Running time under an hour.
The School Play Package gives you rights to edit the script, change roles/cast size, add music, make DVD/Video & make any other changes to fit your students & your production.  Multiple casting for largest roles.  Script shows line counts, transitions & suggestions for cast adjustment.
CD: Sound FX, background music.
Audience: Young, seniors, all ages.

School Play Package - Productions

A Thousand Cranes play for kids to perform!

A Thousand Cranes

Very flexible large cast size.  Running time under an hour.
The School Play Package gives you rights to edit the script, change roles/cast size, add music, make DVD/Video & make any other changes to fit your students & your production.
Multiple casting for largest roles.  Script shows line counts, transitions & suggestions for cast adjustment.
CD: Sound FX, background music.
Audience: Young, seniors, all ages.

School Play Package - Productions

A Thousand Cranes is an extraordinary departure from children's theatre as usual.  Thought provoking and dramatic, even the youngest children can understand the play's deepest meanings.

Easy For Children to Learn and Perform
School Play for Children - A Thousand Cranes School Play for Children - A Thousand Cranes School Play for Children - A Thousand Cranes Kids Can Learn, Perform and Enjoy A Thousand Cranes
Fifth Grade - Upland Country Day School, Kennett Square PA

Start your children folding cranes, then explore the Script and Teacher's Guide.  Using the script's simple suggestions, stage the play for the whole school to enjoy.  Let your children do more than present Sadako's story...  let them live it!

Fold A Thousand Cranes for Sadako
School Play for Children - A Thousand Cranes A Thousand Cranes - True Story of Sadako Sasaki
John C. Fremont Charter School, Merced, CA - Lansing Middle School, NY

A Thousand Cranes is the true, poignant story of Sadako Sasaki. Sadako was only two years old when the Hiroshima bomb fell and seemed to be unharmed, but at twelve she was diagnosed with "radiation sickness".  With boundless optimism, she takes an old story to heart:  "If a sick person folds a thousand paper cranes the gods will grant her wish and make her well again."  

"A tremendously moving piece..."
Large Cast Children's Play - A Thousand Cranes Large Cast Children's Play - A Thousand Cranes Large Cast Script for Kids
Fusion Youth Theatre, UK - Ashland Children's Theatre

Cast List, Sound Cues, Script Sample

Affordable School Play Package

Excellent Script for Young Performers
School Play for Kids, Young People to Perform - A Thousand Cranes Playscript for Young Performers - A Thousand Cranes A Thousand Cranes - For Kids!
Young Cast, Majestic Theatre, Crovallis, OR

Sadako begins to fold her thousand cranes.  Before Sadako is able to complete her task, she is visited by her Grandmother who lovingly carries her on the back of a glorious crane, to the land of a thousand, thousand spirits.

Featured: 20 Great Plays for Children
 School Play for Children - A Thousand Cranes True Story of Sadako Sasaki A Thsouand Cranes Written for Children
Upland Country Day School, PA - Reach Performing Arts Center, ME
"Featured in Twenty Great Plays for Children, St. Martin's Press"

 Sadako learns that her true wish may be granted. Sadako's friends and classmates finished Sadako's work. They folded enough paper cranes to make a thousand.

Sadako's Friends Folded Paper Cranes
Play for Young Audiences - A Thousand Cranes Seattle Peace Park Monument
Lexington Children's Theater, KY - Seattle Peace Park

 Today children in Japan and all over the world fold a thousand paper cranes and lay them at the feet of Sadako's statue in the Hiroshima Peace Park. Their wish is engraved at the bottom of the monument:

"This is Our Cry - This is Our Prayer..."
Hiroshima Peace Park Seattle Peace Park Nagasaki Monument
"Peace in the World"

Sadako Travels a Wondrous Journey
Children's Play - A Thousand Cranes Joyous Play for Young People to Perform Children's Play - A Thousand Cranes
Sadako's Grandmother takes her to the Land of A Thousand Spirits!
Lexington Children's Theatre, KY - Syracuse Stage, NY

"A Thousand Cranes is one of the most moving pieces of American playwriting I have ever had the privilege of experiencing. It has a timely theme and universal appeal." 
Suzanne Larson, Artistic Director - Lady's Island Dinner Theatre

A Story of Strength and Courage
School Play for Children - A Thousand Cranes School Play for Children - A Thousand Cranes Award Winning Script - A Thousand Cranes
A Thousand Cranes, Fusion Youth Theatre, Grimsby, UK

"We performed A Thousand Cranes at the Elementary Drama Festival - it was a HUGE hit!!  I told them all that we had a beautiful script to work with which made it all that much easier to produce a wonderful play!"
Tammy Feeney, Sussex Corner School, NB, Canada

Cast List, Sound Cues, Script Sample

Affordable School Play Package

The School Play Version of A Thousand Cranes requires no professional experience in theatre. It is written in simple terms and is meant as a tool to help you and your students explore the many aspects of Sadako's story and to encourage children on the path to a mature understanding of peace.

Leads to Understanding About Peace
Large Cast Script for Kids - A Thousand Cranes One Act Plays for Kids to Perform - A Thousand Cranes Mask in A Thousand Cranes
Sycracuse Stage, NY - Morristown-Beard School, Morristown, NJ - Silver Stage Players, Elko NV

    A flexible cast of 17 to 38.

    About 20 performers may be female or male.

    Sadako can be played by up to 8 girls to ensure that no one child is the "star".

    Suggestions on how to use simple percussion instruments (raid the music room!) to excellent effect.

    Open staging! Your gymnasium, cafeteria or any other large room is perfect.

    Simple, easy costume pieces and scenery can be made in the classroom.

    A CD of original, beautiful poignant background music and sound effects.

Cast List, Sound Cues, Script Sample

Affordable School Play Package

A Powerful Story for Young People
School Play for Children - A Thousand Cranes A Thousand Cranes!  School Play for Kids to Perform!
Reach Performing Arts, ME - The National School of Drama, Delhi, India

"My Year 6 students performed A Thousand Cranes three times and each performance was a huge success. There were teachers actually crying and even the kindergarten students were quiet as they watched!"
Mary Westall, St. Therese Primary School, Sydney, Australia

How to Fold a Paper Crane - Send Your Cranes to Sadako!
Children's Play - A Thousand Cranes (Folding Paper Cranes) Send your cranes to Sadako!Send your paper cranes to Sadako!
Instructions on How to Fold a Crane in Script and Teacher's Guide

"The music teacher came up to me and said it brought tears to her eyes.  The notes you sent with the play were very encouraging and helpful.  It was very special to me to get a chance to have my students tell Sadako's story."
Diane Purvis, Teacher & Librarian

A Joyous Ending!
Uplifting Play About Peace A Thousand Cranes!  Play for Kids to Perform!
Bednarcik Junior High School, Oswego IL

"I hope the audience comes away from this play and thinks about peace.  I hope they realize to always remember to listen to the wisdom of our children.”
Pam Chernesky, Artistic Director, Houlton Star Bright Children's Theatre

Cast List, Sound Cues, Script Sample

Affordable School Play Package

A Thousand Cranes has three versions:

Large Cast School Play Version (this page)
Flexible Cast of 17-38 (2M, 4F, all others M/F) for grades K-6

Medium Cast Version
Flexible Cast of 13 (4M, 4F, 5M/F) for grades 6-12

Small Cast (Touring) Version
Cast of 3 (1M, 2F) for adult actors.

More Great Comments...
Who's producing A Thousand Cranes?  Click for Productions

Boys and Girls Clubs Pima Arts Blue Ridge Now Second Stage Repertory Theatre CSM College of Southern Maryland

 Grand Rapids Herald Review Adelaide Festival Grand Rapids Players Asheville NC Mountain Express Denver Academy of Musical Arts

Arizona Daily Star Salisbury Post Childsplay Theatre for Everyone ACT Academy Children's Theatre Junior Theatre Festival Online Silver Stage Players NV

The Rep Imagination Theatre Company St. Louis Piedmont Players Theatre Adelaide Fringe Festival Fremont Civic Theatre International Schools Through Theatre Scholastic

Canon City Schools Texas Thespians  Flat Rock Playhouse Studio 52 Theatre Arts Education Adelaide Fring Winner 2018 The Majestic Theatre Marianapolis Schools GBC Humanities Center

ASU Arizona State University Academy of the Lakes Honolulu Theatre for Youth Bland County Public Schools PCPA Pacific Conservatory Theatre

Free Resources: In the News, Behind the Scenes, Directing Tips, Classroom Activities

A Kids' Play That Inspires Compassion!
A Thousand Cranes for Kids to Perform School Play for Children - A Thousand Cranes David Heard founded the National Crane Project Stamford School Indonesia
National Crane Project: David’s Origami Cranes

ArtReach's Award Winning Play 'A Thousand Cranes' has been performed all over the world.  This deeply moving story of Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes has been adapted for young people to perform.  Recommended for Grades 3 and Up.

A Thousand Cranes is the Winner of a National Endowment for the Arts Playwriting Award.

A Thousand Cranes is the Winner of an Ohio Arts Council Playwriting Award. 

Performed at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington DC.

Performed at Asian Children's Festival Singapore.

 "I can't tell you how much performing A Thousand Cranes meant to my students and me. Everyone was very moved and inspired. Thanks for such a beautiful script!"
Diane Purvis, Teacher & Librarian

“When I first read this script I knew that we had to share this play with our community. The kids have really embraced it."
Pam Chernesky, Artistic Director, Houlton Star Bright Children's Theatre

"Using traditional Japanese theatre styles, A Thousand Cranes offers a wonderful opportunity to share in a truly multi-cultural experience."
Nebraska Theatre Caravan

"The play is deeply spiritual. The message is that hope rises from the ashes of tragedy."
Dori Baker, Washington Post

"The story of Sadako has done much to help my life and I believe this play will be another source of strength and courage for me and many others." 
Jonathan Kiddish Weatherly, PA

"The children were amazing and our audience very appreciative. We made 1000 cranes to send to Japan and now all feel emotionally satisfied with our efforts. What a great experience!"
Phyl Cameron, New Zealand

 "We had two wonderful performances. The play's theme is very appropriate for these times. The students did a superb job portraying the message, which brought me to the verge of tears."
Dorothy Loveland, Bayan School, Bahrain

 "Thank you for writing such an inspiring children's play.  I've been teaching drama for three years and never have my students been more engaged with a story."
Anne Mantha, St. Mary Magdalen School - Hazel Park, MI 

"As one child said&ldots; ”I really didn’t get Sadako when you first told us about her, but now I can see how important she is." Thank you for such a great script that was easy to stage and which had such a beautiful and moving message!"
Mary Westall, St. Therese Primary School, Sydney, Australia

"The show held every audience enthralled.  No one moved a muscle during the entire show and  there were always tears and prolonged applause. Thank you for this very special play!"
Sharon Sproule, Espanola Little Theatre, Ontario, Canada


Teacher Reviews



